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Posts Tagged ‘volunteers

A Call to Action

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                                                                                                                            Dear Agents of Change,

Essentially, we (WeiJia Qin and Lisa Bui) had decided we wanted to create a fundraiser in order to raise money to help promote Red Cross’s CAR program in Liberia. How we were planning to run our fundraiser is that people collected pledges for taking pictures. These pictures will consist of the participant with the sign, “I believe in education for all”, with another person or people. The goal of picture taking is to be a collaborative goal, as people will be taking picture that will be turned into a huge collage. WeiJia and I are hoping to invite celebrities to take their own pictures with their own handmade sign, “I Believe In Education for All”, “For Healthier, Stronger and more Resilient Communities”, or “I Believe Education is a Right”. The point is to “picture the future” and to raise money and awareness for the cause. Ask for a pledge and then take the picture(s).

I would really love it if I could gain your help, in raising the awareness of this campaign and rallying people to participate!

I will provide more information if you great people decides to become involved! Thanks so much for helping out! Please contact picturethefuturemovement@gmail.com for more information or to get involved!

Picture The Future Movement, Lisa Bui and WeiJia Qin